Hello Martha Cookies! It is not too late to sign up for Holiday cheer!!!! Martha Cookies are gathering for mid-winter cheer at the Birmingham Athletic Club on December 18th for lunch. Come join your fellow Cookies for our annual Holiday lunch. The extended deadline for RECEIPT of your form and check is December 10th.
The weather may be cold outside, but inside, it will be warm and cheery! Come join your fellow Martha Cookies for a Holiday Lunch at the Birmingham Athletic Club on Saturday, December 18, 2010, at 11:00 am. Lunch will be served at 11:45 pm.
The Birmingham Athletic Club is located at 4033 W. Maple Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301.
What could be better than great friends, good food, fun, and fellowship during the holidays? We would love to see you! See the sign up form, below.
______I have enclosed $34 x ________ number of persons attending
= $_______________
Name: (please include maiden name) and class year:
My Luncheon choice:
__________ Great Lakes Whitefish (lemon buerre blanc, steamed seasonal vegetables)
__________ Broccoli and Chicken Strudel (in rich veloute, wrapped in flaky phyllo)
_________ Risotto Tuscany (saffron risotto, wild mushrooms, Asiago cheese, pesto drizzle; vegetarian selection)
Name of my guests and their luncheon selections (Whitefish OR Strudel OR Risotto Tuscany)
Make checks payable to “Martha Cook Alumnae Association.”
Please send your check to Marion Law, MCB Director, Martha Cook Building, 906 South University, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. If you have any questions, please call Meg at 248-681-0931 or email her at