Martha Cook Building Gift Opportunities
This is our top priority: an expendable fund that supports critical Building needs. This fund also supports special initiatives that help and sustain MCB and its programs.
Please make checks out to:
U-M: MCB Annual Fund, #302061 Amount
MCB Historic Preservation Fund
This is an endowment that support the historic preservation needs for MCB.
Please make checks out to:
U-M: MCB Historic Preservation Fund, #714007 Amount
Anne E. Shipman Stevens Scholarship Fund
The Anne E. Shipman Stevens Fund provides scholarships to residents in the Martha Cook Building. Scholarships are based on need, service and academic scholarship.
Please make checks out to:
U-M: AESS Scholarship Fund, #726500 Amount
Martha Cook Alumnae Association Gifts
MCB Memorial Fund
The MCB Memorial Fund is overseen by the Martha Cook Alumnae Board and available for Building and residents’ needs. This fund honors all alumnae and house directors.
Please make checks out to:
U-M: MCB Memorial Fund, #300453 Amount
Martha Cook Alumnae Association Voluntary Dues
All Martha Cook Building residents become members of the Martha Cook Alumnae Association. Our voluntary dues support the Martha Cook Alumnae Association and the MCAA operating expenses. Our MCCA dues also fund the Outstanding Resident Award.
Please make checks out to:
Martha Cook Alumnae Association.
Please note: our voluntary dues are not tax deductible. Amount
Please mail your gift to:
Martha Cook Building
906 South University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1195
Tax Deductions: Your time, talent and gifts of generosity are appreciated.
All gifts, except voluntary dues, are tax deductible and may qualify as a federal income tax deduction and/or state income tax credit.